RDA-US Endorsement Process

The RDA-US organization will on occasion put its collective voice behind a work product by giving it RDA-US endorsement. RDA-US applies the guidance contained herein as it considers a product for endorsement. RDA-US may endorse an RDA work product (an “RDA Recommendation”) as is applied in a situation; it will not endorse the RDA Recommendation itself.

Endorsement occurs when a work product is approved by two-thirds majority of the RDA-US Steering Committee who actively cast votes. Vote categories are (yes/no/abstain); abstentions must be justified. Per RDA-US’ organization chart, the RDA-US Steering Committee (SC) includes program officers and steering committee members; these members make up the voting body.

RDA-US will not retract a previous endorsement, but as the research data environment in which RDA-US operates changes over time, RDA-US reserves the right to endorse a work product that appears to directly conflict with an earlier endorsed work product. In these cases, RDA-US will issue a clarifying statement.

RDA-US endorses work products that meet the following criteria:

  • Aligns with values of the organization (RDA-US)
  • Has strong US relevance
  • Has clearly articulated principles
  • Is a definitive written work on a topic
  • Is unbiased in its societal benefit

Endorsement process:

  1. RDA-US Program Office confirms with agents of the endorsement (authors) their support for the request for RDA-US endorsement.
  2. Public announcement is made of input period (approximately 1 month in duration) wherein RDA-US seeks input from the RDA US community.
  3. RDA-US endorsement may be accompanied by an RDA-US statement providing context, support, “important going forward” details and other matters related to its discussion. This endorsement supplement should not in any way be interpreted as a qualifying of (weakening of) the endorsement.
  4. Upon RDA-US endorsement and release of any accompanying statement, RDA-US registers endorsement on RDA-US web page and promotes in RDA communication channels.
  5. The organization or group who authored the endorsed document: Records RDA-US endorsement in a document if possible and in related communications; endorsement should include the RDA-US logo (available here) and the following:
  • Officially endorsed by:
  • Research Data Alliance – US
  • Bloomington, IN United States
  • https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/rda-us

The endorsement process described above may be reassessed and modified to reflect the evolution of the RDA-US needs. It is the goal of the RDA-US not to confuse this endorsement process with the process of the global RDA. RDA-US will reassess this process on a bi-yearly schedule.

View the most recent version of the endorsement process.